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羽毛球的规则英文介绍英文_羽毛球规则介绍 英语

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简介1.跪求一篇关于羽毛球的英文文献,带中文翻译的,字数在4000字左右2.羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton3.急需一篇关于羽毛球(badmiton)的英文两分钟演讲稿。4.羽毛球英文简介?5.求羽毛球英文介绍The history and origin of badminton dates back to the ancient times, around 500 y


2.羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton




羽毛球的规则英文介绍英文_羽毛球规则介绍 英语

The history and origin of badminton dates back to the ancient times, around 500 years before the birth of Christ. There was game called ‘Ti Jian Zi,’ which was played in ancient China. It involved kicking something similar to the modern day shuttlecock, but did not use rackets. By the time of the birth of the Christ, a game called Battledore and Shuttlecock was being played in China, Japan and Greece. The battledore was a simple bat aimed at hitting the shuttlecock back and forth as many times as possible. However, the origin of shuttlecock is unknown. For some more interesting information on background of badminton, read on.


class.cyivs.cy.edu/cutefish/badmintionvocab 以下系个表: 羽毛球术语中英文对照 BADMINTON 羽毛球 abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常 accuracy of placement 落点的准确性 ace ①得分球②打得漂亮的球③直接得分的发球 alley ①单打边线和双打边线之间的细长地带②单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带 alternate courts 交换发球区 alternate in serving ①换发球②双打中一方轮流发球 anchor fingers 紧握球拍的三指(中指、无名指、小指) around-the-head stroke 绕头顶挥拍击球 ascent (球)上升 attacking clear 比较平直的高远球 back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带 back boundary line 端线(单打后发球线) backcourt 后场 backcourt boundary 端线 backcourt player 后场球员 backhand 反拍 backhand court 左场区 backhand grip 反手握法 back room 端线外的空地 backswing 往后撤拍(准备击球) badminton 羽毛球运动 balk 发球时一方扰乱对方 band 网顶白布条 base 中心位置 base line 端线 basic strokes 基本技术 bat ①球拍②击(球) battledore 羽毛球拍(旧称) battledore and shuttlecock 羽毛球运动(旧称) broken shuttle 坏球 carrying 持球 centre line 中线 change courts 交换场地 change ends 交换场地 change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位 choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权 choice of “setting” 选择“再赛”权 clear 高远球 bination court 单打、双打合用的球场 cork base (球)底托 corners of backcourt 后场两角 court 球场 court-covering 守住全场 cross-court ①斜线②斜线球 crown of feathers 羽毛圈 cut 切球 deception 动作 decoying tactics 引诱战术 deep high service 发高远球 deep shot 深球(打到对方端线附近的球) delivery of service 发球动作 descent (球)下降 deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平) diagonal system (双打)斜对角配合打法 diagonal teamwork (双打)斜对角配合打法 double hit doubles court 双打球场 doubles service court 双打发球区 doubles service line 双打发球线 draw (用故意留出空当等办法)引诱对方进攻 drive 平抽球 driven clear 平抽高球 driven service 发平球(比高远球要低些) driver 善于抽球的队员 drop shot 吊网前球 end 半场 even number of points 双数分数 face of racket 拍面 facet 八角形拍把上的一个平面 fault ①失误②犯规 faulty serving 发球违例 feather 羽毛 feather tip 羽毛顶尖 fingering the grip 击球时握指的变动 finishing shot 决定得分的一击 first inning 第一轮,第一次发球权 first server (双打)第一次发球员 flat service 发平球 flexible wrist 灵活的手腕 flick 甩腕击球 flight (球)飞行 foot fault 脚部犯规 forecourt 前场 forecourt player 前场球员 比赛开始,零比零。Love all

play. 换发球。 Service over. 第二发球。 Second server. 局点14比8。 14 game point 8. 场点出14比6。 14 match point 6. 局点2比2。 2 game point all. 再赛3分,0比0。 Setting3 point

love all. 继续比赛13比13。 Game not set

13 all. 局数1比1。 One game all. 换球。 Change the shuttle. 重发球。 Play a let. 交换场区。 Change ends. 球触到你了。 You touched the shuttle. 你触网了。 You touched the . 你击球两次违例。 You hit the shuttle ice. (Double hits) 你拖带球了。 You slung the shuttle. 接发球员违例。 Fault receiver. 发球违例。 Service fault called. 比赛暂停。 Play is suspended. 违例。 Fault. 界外。 Out. 界内。 In. 希望帮到你啦!

参考: class.cyivs.cy.edu/cutefish/badmintionvocab

class.cyivs.cy.edu/cutefish/badmintionvocab 比赛开始,零比零。Love all

play. 换发球。 Service over. 第二发球。 Second server. 局点14比8。 14 game point 8. 场点出14比6。 14 match point 6. 局点2比2。 2 game point all. 再赛3分,0比0。 Setting3 point

love all. 继续比赛13比13。 Game not set

13 all. 局数1比1。 One game all. 换球。 Change the shuttle. 重发球。 Play a let. 交换场区。 Change ends. 球触到你了。 You touched the shuttle. 你触网了。 You touched the . 你击球两次违例。 You hit the shuttle ice. (Double hits) 你拖带球了。 You slung the shuttle. 接发球员违例。 Fault receiver. 发球违例。 Service fault called. 比赛暂停。 Play is suspended. 违例。 Fault. 界外。 Out. 界内。 In.

比赛开始,零比零。Love all

play. 换发球。 Service over. 第二发球。 Second server. 局点14比8。 14 game point 8. 场点出14比6。 14 match point 6. 局点2比2。 2 game point all. 再赛3分,0比0。 Setting3 point

love all. 继续比赛13比13。 Game not set

13 all. 局数1比1。 One game all. 换球。 Change the shuttle. 重发球。 Play a let. 交换场区。 Change ends. 球触到你了。 You touched the shuttle. 你触网了。 You touched the . 你击球两次违例。 You hit the shuttle ice. (Double hits) 你拖带球了。 You slung the shuttle. 接发球员违例。 Fault receiver. 发球违例。 Service fault called. 比赛暂停。 Play is suspended. 违例。 Fault. 界外。 Out. 界内。 In.

参考: 详细请看 class.cyivs.cy.edu/cutefish/badmintionvocab

男子单打(Men's Singles)、女子单打(Women's Singles)、男子双打(Men's Doubles)、女子双打(Women's Doubles)混合双打(Mixd-Double) 发球区(Service Court)

界线(Boundary 发球方(Service Side)发球区(Right Court)接发球(Return of Service) 死球(Dead Bird)得分(Point)。 (Dribble) 羽毛球场(Badminton Court)边线(Sideline)底线(Base Line) 羽毛球球网(Badminton Net) 羽毛球(Shuttlecock)羽毛球拍(Racket)

羽毛球术语中英文对照 BADMINTON 羽毛球 abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常 accuracy of placement 落点的准确性 ace ①得分球②打得漂亮的球③直接得分的发球 alley ①单打边线和双打边线之间的细长地带②单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带 alternate courts 交换发球区 alternate in serving ①换发球②双打中一方轮流发球 anchor fingers 紧握球拍的三指(中指、无名指、小指) around-the-head stroke 绕头顶挥拍击球 ascent (球)上升 attacking clear 比较平直的高远球 back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带 back boundary line 端线(单打后发球线) backcourt 后场 backcourt boundary 端线 backcourt player 后场球员 backhand 反拍 backhand court 左场区 backhand grip 反手握法 back room 端线外的空地 backswing 往后撤拍(准备击球) badminton 羽毛球运动 balk 发球时一方扰乱对方 band 网顶白布条 base 中心位置 base line 端线 basic strokes 基本技术 bat ①球拍②击(球) battledore 羽毛球拍(旧称) battledore and shuttlecock 羽毛球运动(旧称) broken shuttle 坏球 carrying 持球 centre line 中线 change courts 交换场地 change ends 交换场地 change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位 choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权 choice of “setting” 选择“再赛”权 clear 高远球 bination court 单打、双打合用的球场 cork base (球)底托 corners of backcourt 后场两角 court 球场 court-covering 守住全场 cross-court ①斜线②斜线球 crown of feathers 羽毛圈 cut 切球 deception 动作 decoying tactics 引诱战术 deep high service 发高远球 deep shot 深球(打到对方端线附近的球) delivery of service 发球动作 descent (球)下降 deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平) diagonal system (双打)斜对角配合打法 diagonal teamwork (双打)斜对角配合打法 double hit doubles court 双打球场 doubles service court 双打发球区 doubles service line 双打发球线 draw (用故意留出空当等办法)引诱对方进攻 drive 平抽球 driven clear 平抽高球 driven service 发平球(比高远球要低些) driver 善于抽球的队员 drop shot 吊网前球 end 半场 even number of points 双数分数 face of racket 拍面 facet 八角形拍把上的一个平面 fault ①失误②犯规 faulty serving 发球违例 feather 羽毛 feather tip 羽毛顶尖 fingering the grip 击球时握指的变动 finishing shot 决定得分的一击 first inning 第一轮,第一次发球权 first server (双打)第一次发球员 flat service 发平球 flexible wrist 灵活的手腕 flick 甩腕击球 flight (球)飞行 foot fault 脚部犯规 forecourt 前场 forecourt player 前场球员

参考: class.cyivs.cy.edu/cutefish/badmintionvocab

羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton

World Badminton

Badminton involves the use of a 5 foot net, lightweight rackets, and a shuttlecock. It can be played by individuals or paired teams either indoors or outdoors.

Players take turns serving and the shuttlecock is batted back and forth over the net. Points can only be gained when players serve the shuttlecock.

If the serving side doesn't return the shuttlecock it loses its serve. If the receiving side doesn't return the shuttlecock the serving side gets a point and serves again. The game ends when one side gets 15 points except for women’s singles which ends when one side gets 11 points.

History of Badminton

Badminton came be traced back over 2000 years ago to games the ancient Greeks played. The modern game of badminton began in 1870 when guests at Duke of Beaufort’s Badminton House in Gloucestershire played it at a lawn party. Badminton developed from a children’s game known as battledore and shuttlecock in which players batted a cork filled with feathers back and forth in the air using paddles, the idea being to keep it in the air the longest period of time possible.

The first official set of rules for the game of Badminton was published in 1893 by the Badminton Association of England. By 1934 there was a league of nine countries belonging to what was known as the International Badminton Federation (IBF). Badminton started in the US in 1878 with the American Badminton Association being formed in 1936 and the US joining the IBF in 1938. In 18 the official changed its name to the U.S. Badminton Association.

The first men’s Thomas Cup matches were held in 1948-1949. The first women’s tournament, the Uber Cup, followed in1956-1957. Since then other competitions he been added including tournaments for mixed teams and juniors and The World Cup. Badminton became an official Olympic sport in 1992. More about the history of Badminton.

Badminton Today

What started as a lawn party game has become a fiercely competitive sport for professionals playing for money. The sport is getting more popular and the IBF which started with only nine members has over 150 members. Asian and Scandanian countries dominate competitions with badminton being second in popularity only to in these countries. With increasing coverage badminton can look forward to a bright future!


 在 羽毛球 国际赛事中英语都是作为官方语言使用,而无论业余或专业赛事也会用到很多专业术语,爱羽客为您精心整理了羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表,看看作为球迷的您了解多少。以下是我整理的羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton,欢迎阅读。

 羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton

  Badminton 羽毛球(运动)


 Racket, bat球拍

 racket head 球拍前部(包括拍框和拍面)

 face of racket, racket face 拍面

 frame of racket 拍框

 handle of racket 拍柄

 shaft 拍杆

 throat 拍颈

 shuttle, shuttlecock羽毛球

 feather 羽毛

 cork base 球托(羽毛球的软木部分)

 crown of feathers 羽毛圈(羽毛球的羽毛部分)

 broken shuttle 坏球

 plastic shuttle 塑料羽毛球



 court 球场

 combination court 单打、双打合用的球场

 doubles court 双打球场

 singles court 单打球场

 backcourt 后场

 backcourt player 后场球员

 forecourt 前场

 forecourt player 前场球员

 singles service court 单打发球区

 doubles service court 双打发球区

 service court 发球区

 left court 左场区

 left service court 左发球区

 right court 右场区

 right service court 右发球区

 alley 单打线和双打线之间的细长地带

 back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带


 back boundary line, backcourt boundary端线(单打后发球线)

 base line 端线

 centre line, mid court line 中线

 side line, side boundary line 边线

 inside side line (单双打线都有的场地)单打边线

 outside side line (单双打线都有的场地)双打边线

 corners of backcourt 后场两角

 doubles service line 双打发球线

 front service line, short service line 前发球线

 rear service line, long service line (双打)后发球线

 net post 网柱

 net tape, white tape, band网顶白布条



 forehand 正拍

 backhand 反拍

 grip 握拍法

 backhand grip 反手握法

 forehand grip 正手握拍法


 backswing 往后撤拍(准备击球)

 deception 动作

 preliminary feint (发球时的)动作

 delivery of service 发球动作

 full strike 全力击球

 full swing 全力挥拍

 high backhand stroke 上手反拍击球

 overhand stroke 上手击球(高于头顶的击球)

 overhead stroke 打头顶球(位于头顶的击球)

 round-the-head stroke 绕头顶击球

 shoulder-high drive 与肩齐高的平抽球

 side-arm stroke 侧手球(回击位于身体侧面的球)

 underhand stroke 低手击球

 strike 击(球)

 intercept 截击

 cut 切球

 smash 杀球

 Forehand smash正手杀球

 Backhand smash反手杀球

 Around the head smash过顶杀球

 consecutive kill连续扣杀



 retrieve 救球

 rushing ①冲上网②扑球

 sliding step 滑步


 Drop shot 吊球

 Drive 平击球、平抽球

 Net play 网前击球(技术)

 Net shot网前放小球、网前搓球

 Net Kill 网前扑球

 Net Lift网前挑球(推后场)

 clear 平高球

 high clear 高远球

 cross-court 斜线球

 deep shot 深球(打到对方底线附近的球)

 drive 平抽球

 driven clear 平抽高球

 drop shot 吊网前球

 lift 近网挑球

 hairpin shot ?夹发针?球(在网前贴近地面的轻挑短球)

 low shot 低平球

 straight 直线球

 descent (球)下降

 flight (球)飞行


 High serve发高球

 Deep high service, long high service发高远球

 Low serve 发小球

 Short low service 发短低球(刚到前发球线的小球)

 Flick serve 发平高球(比高远球要低些,比低平球要高些)

 Drive serve, flat service发低平球(比平高球要低些)

 serve deep 发深球(发至后场的球)

 long service 发远球(发至后场的球)

 return of service 接发球

 4、 其它

 abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常

 accuracy of placement 落点的准确性

 miss 击球未中

 IV. 战术用语

 front and back (双打)前后站位打法(常用于混双)

 rotation system (双打)轮转配合打法

 half-court shot 半场球(对付前后站位防守的打法)

 defense and fight back防守反击

 net game 网前打法

 net play 网前打法

 pairing (双打) 配对

 partner (双打)同伴

 players? positions 队员方位

 V. 规则用语

 1、 一般规则

 game 局(一般一场比赛有三局)

 game point 局点

 match 场

 match point 场点、赛点(三局两胜制比赛的决胜球)

 linesman 司线员

 referee 裁判员

 service judge 发球裁判员

 mixed double混合双打

 men?s singles男单

 men?s doubles男双

 women?s singles女单

 women?s doubles女双


 Change the server, alternate in serving 换发球

 change courts 交换场地

 change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位

 choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权

 odd number of points 单数分数

 even number of points 双数分数

 order of service 发球次序

 ?Love all ,play! 零比零,开始比赛!?

 ?Set 2 points! 再赛两分!?

 Ace, service ace 发球得分

 deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平)



 receiving side 接发球一方

 second server (旧规则的双打)第二发球

 ?Service over!? (单打)换发球


 racket head above the hand 拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规)

 serving above the waist 高于腰部的发球(发球犯规)

 serve from the wrong-service court 发球站错方位

 short (发球时的)短球

 touch the net 触网

 unclean hit 有拖带动作的击球

 double hit

 fault ①失误②犯规

 faulty serving 发球违例

 foul hit 击球犯规

 out of position 站错位

 good return 合法还击

 good service 合法发球

 score cancelled 得分无效


Badminton began in India with a game known as poona. Poona was a competitive sport that British Army officers learned and brought back to England.

Badminton is a sport similar to tennis. It is played by either two opposing players (singles)or two opposing pairs (doubles). Players are positioned at the opposite ends of the court, aiming to hit a shuttlecock over the net so that it lands inside the marked boundaries of the court, and their opponents from doing the same. Only the server can win points. Just like tennis, there are five main categories in badminton: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles and mixed doubles (each pair is composed of one man and one woman). A game of badminton is played on a court measuring 6.1 m/20 ft by 13.4 m/44 ft. There is a net (0.8 m/2.5 ft deep and a height of 1.52m/5 ft) stretched across the middle of the court where the shuttlecock must be sent over.


Contemporary badminton first eared in the mid-19th century, it evolved from the game battledore and shuttlecock, which can be traced back to ancient Greece, China, Japan and India. Especially popular in Asia and Europe today, badminton became a full competition sport at the Olympic Games in 1992.

现代羽毛球运动在19世纪中叶首次出现,它是由一种名为“毽子板球”(battledore and shuttlecock)的运动发展演化而来的。“毽子板球”的起源可以追溯到古希腊、中国、日本和印度。今天,羽毛球运动在亚洲和欧洲尤为流行,它已经在1992年的奥运会中成为正式比赛项目。


Badminton is a racket sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles). The players or pairs take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.

你好。谢谢纳。 The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named Badminton. The Badminton court is rectangular in shape, marked with various 4mm width lines, the centre of the court is a net at 1.55 meters height. The full length of the court is 13.4 meters, the width for a doubles game is 6.10 meters while for singles play is 5.18 meters. In singles play, there are two boundary lines at each side, the inner line of the boundary line is meant for the singles game. At the back of the court of each side, there are two lines; the outer line is the singles play boundary line. If the server stands in the left service court, he/she has to make sure the shuttlecock reach the opponents’ right service court. Should the shuttlecock failed to pass over the short service line on the opponents’ court, the shuttlecock pass over the back boundary line, or the shuttlecock fall into the wrong side of court, the service will count as a fault. Likewise, if the shuttlecock failed to pass over the net will also be considered a fault. Besides, the shuttlecock touching the line will be given the score.
